ARVO 2021
Single Subcutaneous (or Oral) Dose of Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Safely Suppresses Choroidal Neovascularization Comparable to Intravitreal Aflibercept
Single Subcutaneous (or Oral) Dose of Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Safely Suppresses Choroidal Neovascularization Comparable to Intravitreal Aflibercept
Selective Targeting and Imaging of Orthotopic Glioblastoma after a Single Systemic Dose of a Novel Hydroxyl Dendrimer Radionuclide
Hepatocyte Targeted Therapy to Enhance Efficacy and Safety of Drugs for Liver Diseases
Systemic Administration of Novel Hydroxyl Dendrimers to Target Inflammation in Arthritic Tissues
Selective targeting of Plaque Associated Microglia through systemic dendrimer administration in an Alzheimer’s disease model
Systemic Therapies Targeted to Ischemia in a Model of Diabetic Acute Kidney Injury
Suppression of Murine Choroidal Neovascularization After Systemic Administration of a Targeted Anti-VEGF Therapy
Targeted Sustained Intracellular Delivery to Choroidal Neovascular Lesions After a Single Systemic Administration as Demonstrated by Imaging
Selective Targeting of Immunosuppressive Tumor Macrophage from Systemic Administration